Tami Powell ~ Continue praying for pain relief for her herniated discs.
Debra Ruud ~ Pray the Lord will heal her body of cancer.
Klarissa Powell Gomes (Pastor Jim’s daughter) ~ Having “female” problems. Next doctor’s appointment Jan 6.
Lee Cay Farr (Phil Sander’s cousin) ~ Pray for her & her husband for healing for her pancreatic cancer and heart problems.
Ted Nowell, Jr. (Mary Hall’s brother) ~ Fell and broke knee. Seeing surgeon Jan. 9. Pray for healing and pain to go away.
Beverly Buus (Jann Monk’s sister-in-law) ~ Lesions on her spine & brain and metastasized cancer. Pray for surgery on neck to relieve pain.
Danielle (Dave Perolis’ daughter) ~ Broke tibia. Will have surgery Jan. 6.
Dave Livingood (Jim Leaf’s brother-in-law) ~ His daughter passed away at 54 years old.
Michael & Robin McTaggert (Janet Gallup’s friends) He is at Summit with covid & upper respiratory infection. She is also sick & overwhelmed.
Preston Silveria (Linda Isek’s friend) ~ At Summit with a drug induced stoke.
Praise for Teddi & Larissa Nowell feeling better & Harold Bell having stress test on Jan. 6.