Dee Funk ~ She was taken to the ER for cough-ing up blood. Pray for healing.
Juanita Anderson ~ Pray for healing of bronchitis.
Lee Cay (Phil Sander’s Cousin) ~ She is still in the valley undergoing alternative pancreatic cancer treatment. Her numbers are improving.
Jay Camp (Phil Sander’s friend) ~ He had a stroke in Dec and is recovering and getting around with a cane.
Nathan ~ (Angela Campbell’s son) He has not been feeling well and blacking out. He has a Doctor’s appt. on the 20th. Prayer for answers.
Janice Bustrin ~ She was in the ER with pneumonia and is being treated at home.
Michael McTagget (Janet Gallup’s friend) ~ He passed away. Pray for the family.
Martin (Janice Bustin’s friend) ~ He is in rehab for addiction. Pray for strength.
Tami Powell ~ Praying for pain relief for her left rotator cuff.
Cathy Van Hill ~ Pray for continued healing of her shoulder.
Pray for God to continue to pour out snow and precipitation on our too dry land.
Thank God for the cessation of violence and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
Pray for people impacted by the fires around Los Angeles.