Prayers and Praises - February 16, 2025

February 16, 2025


 Dee Funk ~ She was taken to the ER for cough-ing up blood. Pray for healing.

 Juanita Anderson ~ Pray for healing of bronchitis.

 Lee Cay (Phil Sander’s Cousin) ~ She is still in the valley undergoing alternative pancreatic cancer treatment. Her numbers are improving.

 Jay Camp (Phil Sander’s friend) ~ He had a stroke in Dec and is recovering and getting around with a cane.

 Nathan ~ (Angela Campbell’s son) He has not been feeling well and blacking out. He has a Doctor’s appt. on the 20th. Prayer for answers.

 Janice Bustrin ~ She was in the ER with pneumonia and is being treated at home.

 Michael McTagget (Janet Gallup’s friend) ~ He passed away. Pray for the family.

 Martin (Janice Bustin’s friend) ~ He is in rehab for addiction. Pray for strength.

 Tami Powell ~ Praying for pain relief for her left rotator cuff.

 Cathy Van Hill ~ Pray for continued healing of her shoulder.

 Pray for God to continue to pour out snow and precipitation on our too dry land.

 Thank God for the cessation of violence and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

 Pray for people impacted by the fires around Los Angeles.


February 16, 2025

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I Believe
"And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."
Matthew 21:22
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
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