† “PRAY FOR the people of ISRAEL
† Linda Isek ~ waiting for results of her biopsy. PRAY FOR GOOD BIOSPY REPORTS. Pray for encouragement and peace.
† Mac Dossey (Andrea Bujnowski’s dad) ~ is 101 years old is out of the hospital, RECOVERED from pneumonia and sepsis….PTL!!
† Mike Bridges (friend of Lee Larson's) ~ recovering from a stroke last week. Dr. says partial paralysis is temporary and he will fully recover.
† Dan Snyder (friend of Vance’s) ~ recovering from plane crash PTL!
† Mike Moloen (CCO client) ~ battling cancer and liver issues.;
† Nicole Tranthum (Candy Greenwood’s daughter) ~ as they move forward in God’s hands recovering from loss in house fire. PTL no one was hurt!
† Sharon Richards ~ battling with arrhythmia; pray for healing.
† Dora Leonard (a new member) ~ has stage 4 intestinal cancer. Pray the Lord will touch her with His Mighty Hand.
† Terry (Ron and Rondi’s employee) ~ pray to the Lord giving hope to Terry as he seeks His face to resolve his cancer issues.