Church Bulletin October 20, 2024

October 20, 2024

October 20, 2024

Sunday Sermon


"The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed it in his field"

(Matthew 13:31 NKJV)

Pastor Jim Powell

Pulpit Greeters: Dave & Vicki Perolis

Church Weekly Activities

Sunday School 9:30 AM
Worship Service: 10:30 AM


Please join us for lunch after Church in the Fellowship Hall every Sunday!!!

Women’s Ministry: Thursday 10:00 AM

Men’s Ministry Breakfast: Sat. 7:00 AM

Jail Ministry Sat. 9 am & 1 pm; Tues. 1 PM

Shepherding Groups

Pastor Jim Powell ~ 928-240-4317 at the church, 6:00pm

The Browns’ in Linden, at 6226 Crestpath at 5:30 PM, call Roger @ 520-241-9289 (Wed)

The Copeland’s ~ 1279 Papoose Tr. Borden Ranch) at 5:30 PM, 480-518-m1178 (Wed)

YOUTH GROUP in youth building with Joe & Sarah Martinez,

Wed. nights at 6:00 pm 928 551-5573

Leah Kline in Pinedale at 1173 Brown Dr. Pinedale. Will be continuing in Acts. 928 940- 4815.

She will be reaching out to regulars with details.


Coming soon! Samaritan’s Purse, Franklin Grahams, Operation Christmas Child. See Joe Martinez Jr.

Check out the ladies room... new construction!

New Hope's first annual TURKEY SHOOT!

Saturday, November 9th. ask Jerry Funk (602)571-8436

or Fred Parry (928)242-7746 for details. (10—2pm)

Please consider making donations to the building fund. Sprinkler systems need to be added to our church.

Next Sunday Mrs. Vinson will be soloist for the morning service.
The pastor will then speak on “It’s a Terrible Experience.”


Greens Peak this year was like no other!! There was lots of food, family, friends and fellowship. What a turn-out! Re-member to set aside the second week of October every year for the annual church camp and picnic and changing of the colors on the White Mountains. This has been a long time tra-dition of 'New Hope' set by Pastor Tom Brown some 30 yrs ago. See ya next year, clear, rain, sleet or snow, we go!  

SAFETY MEETING 3:30 TOMORROW, OCT. 21st in the Fellowship Hall.

And then TUESDAY from 3:00 to 5:00 for practice at the WSA Second Knoll & Hwy 60.

Dave Perolis will be teaching a class on Will, Trust and budgeting on Sunday, Nov. 3rd right after the Fellowship lunch. If you have had questions about any of these topics, you might want to attend this class.

Outreach Ministries


JAIL MINISTRY - Bill Bujnowski—928-242-8959 Visits Navajo County Jail

WHITE MNT. VICTORY VLGE- Roger Brown—520-241-9289

SALVATION ARMY—Lee Copeland - 480-518-1178


If you would like to be a part of the PRAYER WARRIOR TEAM , please contact Cathy Parry, 928 242-8329. She sends out a text for people that NEED URGENT PRAYER.

Please contact Pastor Jim Powell (928) 240-4317 for immediate prayer.

Attendance: 112

Tithes & Offerings: $ 5,458.00

BUILDING: $ 620.00

Missions: $2,000.00

Other: $300.00


October 20, 2024

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I Believe
"And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."
Matthew 21:22
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
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