Please stay for refreshments after the church service for great fellowship opportunities in the Fellowship Hall. Let’s get to know one another! 1st Sunday of the month is a potluck.
Sunday School 9:30am
Worship Service: 10:30am
Women’s Ministry: Thursday 10:00am
Men’s Ministry Breakfast: Sat. 7:00am
Jail Ministry Sat. 9am & 1pm; Tues. 1pm
Linden—Wed. 6:00pm, Pastor Jim Powell ~ 928 -240-4317 (at t he church)
Linden—Wed. 5:30pm, Roger Brown ~ 520-241- 9289
Vernon—Wed. 5:30pm, Tim Disney ~ 760-403- 4199, Leslie Disney ~ 760-403-6002
Pinedale—Wed. 6:00pm., Leah Kline ~ 928-940 -4815
Youth Group in youth building with Joe &
Sarah Martinez, Wed. nights at 6:00pm 928-551-5573
• Please remember to sign up in our church app so you can connect with new people, give, and know what is going on at the church. Directions at the welcome desk.
• Remember to congratulate our new dea-cons Tom DiMauro and Tim Disney.
• Pastor Emeritus Tom Brown has agreed to minister as the Shepherding Group Coordinator. (New Group forming in Herber. Disney’s filling in for Copeland’s group.) To get involved in this ministry, please contact Pastor Tom at 928-243-1863.
Thank you for your continued support and donations to the building fund for the sprin-kler system to be added to our church for our safety.
Staff Meeting TOMORROW Jan. 13, 2025 @4:30pm in the MBFH.
Larry and Janet LeBlanc will be hosting Patriot Academy classes on Biblical Citizenship. Program will begin Jan. 29 and every Tues. for 8 weeks until March 18th. Please sign up at the Welcome Center.
Coming Soon: Dave Ramsey Finance Class by Dave Perolis. Stay turned for further notices of when and where to sign up.
JAIL MINISTRY - Bill Bujnowski—928-242-8959 Visits Navajo County Jail
WHITE MNT. VICTORY VLGE- Roger Brown—520-241-9289
SALVATION ARMY - Lee Copeland—480-518-1178
If you would like to be a part of the PRAYER WARRIOR TEAM , please contact Cathy Parry, 928 242-8329. She sends out a text for people that NEED URGENT PRAYER.
Please contact Pastor Jim Powell 928-240-4317 And Pastor Tim Brown, P.E. 928-243-1864 for immediate prayer.
Thank you for your giving and offerings!
The Giving Box is on the coffee bar in the foyer or you can also give online @